You Might Want To Stay Away From These Foods

Glass of MilkTrying to eat healthy can be quite the struggle and today’s article highlights seven foods you may want to skip next time you go to the grocery store. Here’s what Jackie London, a dietician based in New York City had to say about dairy, “Lots of people assume that if they love it, it should be off-limits – which is why dairy items like cheese and milk don’t usually make the cut in many “healthy” diets. However, they can be a great source of calcium and potassium. “You’re only going to get that 8 grams of protein from animal milk, so you’re losing that if you switch to soy, almond or coconut,” London said. “And the reason for putting potassium on the new food labels is because Americans aren’t getting enough. Dairy is a good source of that.”” To check out all of them, CLICK HERE.