Six Ways To Better Your Health

SugarToday, we bring you an article that gives tips on how to better yourself in just six easy ways. Here’s one of the tips about ditching sugar, “sugar causes inflammation, and many people’s health issues actually resolve once they ditch sugar from their diets. It’s best to wean yourself off of sweetness, because artificial sugar substitutes aren’t much better, either.” To read more, CLICK HERE.

Incentive-Based Wellness Programs

Business SuitsIf you got an incentive for being healthier, would you become healthier? What if it was a financial incentive or maybe even the reward of an extra day off of work? Today’s article discusses employee wellness programs, here’s a quote, “Many employers in the Wichita area and throughout the country are trying to reduce their insurance costs and create healthier workers by offering incentive-based health and wellness programs…” To read more, CLICK HERE.

Video Games May Have Positive Effect On Mental Health

Video Game PlayerToday, we bring you an article about video games and how playing them may help with mental health. Here’s a quote, “…the effects of games on both healthy and unhealthy people are being studied to find out whether they’re useful in treating mental illness, such as autism, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.” To read more, CLICK HERE.


Great Season Fruits And Veggies

CherriesAs the temperature starts to rise, more fruits and vegetables are starting grow and get ready to be harvested. Here’s a quote from today’s article, “…eating seasonally ensures fresher, often cheaper produce, as well as an opportunity to lessen our carbon footprint and support local grocers and farmers markets.” Which fruits and vegetables are in season? CLICK HERE to find out.

Get Ready For A Very Sneezy Allergy Season

SneezingYou thought having a long and terrible winter was bad but if you suffer from seasonal allergies it only gets worst…sorry! April showers may bring May flowers but according to today’s article, long winters bring miserable allergy seasons, “…now that it’s finally warming up, trees are expected to bloom at the same time as grasses, causing a dramatic rise in pollen, allergy experts said.” To read more, CLICK HERE.

Are Food Labels Tricking Our Brains?

Food LabelToday, we found a great read on how your brain perceives food labels. Here’s a quote from the article about using a milkshake that had the same amount of calories but was labeled differently, “If you believed you were drinking the indulgent shake, she says, your body responded as if you had consumed much more.” To read more, CLICK HERE.