Allergy season is just around the corner, if not presently for some parts of the country, and the sneezing and unexplained runny nose begins. Today’s article explains how you can reduce your risk of indoor allergies. Here’s what they said, “Of the roughly 30 percent of Americans who have nasal allergies, about two-thirds have perennial allergies, Sublett says, and for most, the allergy triggers are found indoors. Here’s how to avoid the most common allergens that get you right where you live. ” To read more, CLICK HERE.
You May Want To Eat More Of This
A diet where they actually encourage you to eat more of something seems odd right? Unfortunately, it’s not ice cream but fiber. Today’s article discusses a study done on people who were encouraged to eat more fiber and the amazing results. Here’s a quote from the article, “For the new study, Ma and his coauthors divided 240 obese adults with metabolic syndrome into two groups. One group followed the American Heart Association (AHA) diet plan and the other aimed to eat at least 30 grams of fiber per day.” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Want To Run? Call Yourself A Runner
Do you wish you worked out more? If you don’t work out, I’m guessing you don’t call yourself a runner or a weightlifter but maybe you should. Today’s article discusses a study that supports this idea. Here’s what they had to say, “Over the eight-week study, students who had a stronger exercise-related identity were more likely to work out and do so more consistently. In addition, the study found, the relationship between identity and exercise was influenced by self-efficacy.” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Google Improving Even More

We’ve all been there. We have some symptoms that we can’t explain and we go to good ol’ Google to figure out what it could be. But then you end up sick to your stomach with worry when you find that it could be something extremely serious when in all reality, you just have a stomach ache. Today’s article discusses how Google is trying to fix its search engine when it comes to looking up ailments. Here’s what they had to say, “…the search engine is trying to bring some much-needed validity to the world of health-related searches with a new database of 400 commonly searched medical conditions that have been extensively fact-checked by doctors at the Mayo Clinic. Google announced the news in a blog post Tuesday, saying that it will now surface these pre-vetted facts at the top of its search results, in hopes of getting people to the right information faster. ” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Are Big Brands Taking Advantage Of The Poor?
You would hope that a big brand would be more sympathetic toward their less fortunate consumers but today’s article may expose a more disturbing truth. Here’s what they had to say, “…here’s a reason why large food companies are selling more of their packaged foods to America’s poor: they have figured out a way to do it at a much higher profit margin. In order to offer the facade of affordability, manufacturers like Kraft are selling food in smaller packages. These granola bars, sauces, cereals, and prepared meals look like they cost less, but actually are far more expensive on a per ounce basis, according to Reuters.” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Finally A Great Excuse To Siesta
Finally, the perfect excuse to catch a couple of midday Zzz’s and not feel guilty about them. Today’s article discusses how naps may help to restore missing hours of sleep from the night before. Here’s what they had to say, “In a small study of 11 healthy men published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM), researchers found that even if the men got only two hours of sleep the night before, they could combat the hormonal havoc caused by poor sleep if they took a couple of brief naps.” To read more, CLICK HERE.
New And Tasty Things CLICK HERE
Do you like to be adventurous and try new foods? Even if you hate trying something new, you may want to reconsider. Today’s article features six new foods that you may want to give a shot. Here’s one of them, “Blood Oranges: Originally from Spain and Italy, these dramatically colored oranges are now grown in California, Texas and Florida. The flesh is a scarlet color, and these oranges are less acidic than other varieties. They’re available a short time from January through March.” To check out all of them, CLICK HERE.
Too Much Salt Found In This Food
As adults we’re told to watch our salt intake because it can lead to all sorts of problems. But have you ever look at the sodium levels on the food you feed your children? A new study found some scary information on kids’ food, here’s what they had to say, “Many packaged meals and snacks for toddlers contain worrisome amounts of salt and sugar, potentially creating a taste for foods that may contribute to obesity and other health risks, according to a new government study.” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Run Your Way To A Jog
Are you a runner or a jogger? If you push your self to the maximum while running, you may want to pull back just a bit and read today’s article. If you’re a runner, you may be doing yourself more harm than good. Here’s what they had to say, “If you’re a runner who secretly hates running, here’s some good news: Taking it down a notch or two, settling into a leisurely jog rather than an all-out run, may actually be better for your health in the long term. A new study shows what others have hinted at in the past…” To read more, CLICK HERE.
Growing Problem Among Young People
Today’s article discusses a growing epidemic among young American. Here’s what they had to say, “One in 10 American adults has diabetes mellitus. In some ways, we’re taking better care of treatment for the chronic condition, but in other ways, we’re in need of major improvements. According to a report released Tuesday morning by the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, 90 percent of adults with diagnosed diabetes had seen a doctor within the previous six months. Good sign.” But what’s the bad news? To read more, CLICK HERE.